Forsyth Park

Located at Bull and Gaston streets

Forsyth Park is located between Whitaker and Drayton Streets on the east and west and Gaston and Park Ave on the north and south. It is the largest park in downtown Savannah. It is home of the iconic large white fountain that is so popular in images of Savannah. This park has a lot of variety in locations for photos. It is a good location for Spanish moss on the Live Oaks and Crepe Myrtles.

Its downside is that it is, well, really popular! It is a popular location for weddings and festivals and just general tourist and local foot traffic alike. Saturdays can be busy for lots of reasons but nothing can really stop us from having a wedding there. It also is home to a large white bandshell that is our go-to location for rain situations for any downtown weddings.

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